Student Technology Support
Google Support
Google Classroom Cheat Sheet for Students
Join Google Classroom & Google Meet from Your Phone (English • Spanish)
Access Google Classroom From Your RPS Tablet (English • Spanish)
How Do Students View Grades in Google Classroom?
Google Classroom FAQ (English • Spanish)
Aspen is a secure, web-based school information management system that helps school districts track all types of student data—from attendance to conduct, grades to schedules. The Student Portal is where students can view information about themselves. You can log on to Aspen's student portal from virtually anywhere. All you need is an Internet connection.
Students must now use the Single Sign-On method through Google authentication to sign into Aspen.
Students must click the Log in with Another Provider button at the bottom to log into Aspen instead of entering a Login ID and Password at the top.
When you click the Log in with Another Provider button you will see the Selected organization and Selected identity provider information. Click the Log In button.
If you have already authenticated through Google previously you will then be logged into Aspen after clicking the Log In button above.
If you have not previously authenticated through Google in the browser you are using, you will be prompted with the Google Sign in screen.
You must enter your email address > click Next > then enter your password. You will then be logged into Aspen. You will automatically be logged into Aspen the next time you log in from the same browser when you click the Log In button.
Students, if you have difficulty logging into Aspen after following the steps outlined above, please reach out to a school representative for assistance. Students cannot contact the Service Desk directly.
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
Families can now get free, high-speed internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program by signing up at
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides eligible households up to $30/month off internet bills, as well as a one-time $100 discount off a laptop, tablet, or computer.
Households are eligible if they make up to 200% of the federal poverty level ($55,500 for a family of four), and are also eligible, regardless of income, if they participate in certain federal programs. Critically, households qualify for ACP – without regard to income – if any member of the household:
1. participates in the Free and Reduced-Price School Lunch or Breakfast program, including a child who attends one of the over 33,000 Community Eligibility Provision schools; or
2. is receiving a Pell Grant this school year.
Families also qualify if someone in the household participates in Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, WIC, Supplemental Security Income, and other programs.